Tired Mama.

Posted by admin on January 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Pictures .

I’m a tired mama. And feeling very sick for some reason. I starting feeling sick at dinner time & it isn’t fun when I’m trying to get work done. So instead of staying up any later I’m going to get some sleep and hopefully start feeling better.


Tired mama

1 Response to Tired Mama.

  1. ash

    Being a sick parent isn’t fun especially when you have children. For some reason the kids know when mommy is sick and they’ll hang onto you even more that you’re EVEN more exhausted when that happens. It’s like crazy how kids know that first hand. My daughter and I was sick throughout Christmas into New Years actually my cold JUST went away since i’ve been back from vacation. A GOODS night rest is definitely a highly recommended thing. I couldn’t rest while on vacation so that’s where I kept getting sick. Boo. But get well soon if you’ve become sick. :( Hope not.