It’s almost Febusave!

Posted by admin on January 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

For February I’m giving up all unnecessary things. Lately I have been really bad at just picking things up here and there, it sure does add up very quickly too. So I’ve decided I need to kick that bad habit and what better time then Febusave?

Do I need to buy cofee while buying groceries? Um no my brother-in-law supplies me with the same exact coffee (he works for the company that supplies my fav. place with coffee) for free. Do I need to get a bag of Cheetos for my drive home? Yeah….just check those calories girly…that’s a big fat NO. Do I need to call J.P. to pick up burgers because I’m feeling too tired to cook? Uh no, stop being weak and just cook….you’ll like it better & it won’t make you sick.

That was my little “pep talk”. To pep myself up I have to be mean to myself…let’s not even get started on how I’d talk to myself to get pumped up for the gym…I’m sure I could have gotten prescribed fistfuls of pills for those “pep talks”.

For February I vow not to buy unnecessary items which includes but is not limited to the following: snacks, coffee, eating out, decor items, toys for Micah, clothing (must attack mountain of dirty clothes…) and well things I don’t really need.

Anyone care to join me? You don’t have to give up quite as much as I am, maybe just give up your $5 daily cup of coffee? Give up buying shoes for the month?

6 Responses to It’s almost Febusave!

  1. tracey

    I’m going to continue IGNORING THE EXISTENCE OF COOKIES… it’s saving us at least $10-15 each week, lol.
    .-= tracey´s last blog ..on being a working mum =-.

  2. Jenn

    My husband and I are already cutting back and living more frugally for 2010, but I’m definitely up for Febusave. I vow to make all of our meals and not rely on ready-made stuff or the convenient pre-made things (like Lipton rice sides, which cost as much as a BIG bag of rice that could make multiple sides!). :)

  3. Charlie

    I think if I just blocked on my firewall I’d save a fortune! Okay…no amazon for Febusave.

  4. Evelyn

    It’s funny I use to have that problem now I have a hard time letting go of money. It’s always “BUT what if there’s an emergency” lol. February is our stock up and buy all the things the kids and we need. So a lot of spending money…I’m having a difficult time with that. If only you could get my Fiancé to do this. =)
    .-= Evelyn´s last blog ..What’s In Your Bag? =-.

  5. leatitia

    I’m in, I always try to live that way but sometimes I just go all out and spend on stuff I don’t need.

    This month I will not buy DVD, not rent movies but watch what I have in my collection or just go on youtube, hehe.

    I will not buy any clothes if it’s not work clothes. I always buy comfy clothes and I ended up with too many, but nothing to wear at work.

    I will not buy take out food or snacks on the go. I’ll always bring a lunch and my own snacks.

    I will not buy anything online.

    I’ll just buy when I REALLY need. Car pmt, Insurance pmt, medicals, etc. :)

  6. Jennifer

    What a great idea! I will be a ZOMBIE without my coffee – but I will think of something to give up!