Click It.

Posted by admin on January 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Pictures .

Had a fun little photo shoot this morning. I’m not totally happy with it, but I hardly ever am. I just wanted to share with y’all. Which is your favorite?

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7 Responses to Click It.

  1. Lindsay

    The third is the best one because good lighting and nice composition (no awkward pose and no hooker heels). The second picture is good because you left space between her and the edges of the frame.

  2. Charlie

    Hey I like the hooker heels…go figure right. :p

    This is a tough one. I like #2 but simply not enough good light. And then 1 and 3 where she is in good sunlight she’s squinting a little too much and we can’t see her eyes. #5 is a decent shot but I’d just like a little fill flash to soften the shadows. #4 is a good pic but needs to be cropped a little more evenly top to bottom

    So #2 is my fav pose but not enough light and #3 is the best shot but too much sunlight causing her to squint.

    The self portrait #2 was my fav overall though. I think you have a promising career as a self-portrait photographer. :p

  3. Claudia

    I like the last one. don’t know why, I just do. I’d say that #3 is probably the best one for a portfolio shot, though.

    Good job!
    .-= Claudia´s last blog ..Vday is coming! Get innoculated! =-.

  4. kathy

    i like the second one. they all look really great.

  5. ash

    You did a very good job! I don’t know why you’d think otherwise. IT’s great.
    .-= ash´s last blog ..Movies!!! =-.

  6. Alissa

    First one! She’s beautiful and you did a great job!

  7. Erica

    I like the 3rd and the last image. They looks great.
    .-= Erica´s last blog ..Safety Gears for Girls =-.