Feeling like a whale…

Posted by admin on August 31st, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

A tale of a whale named Pamela… I have yet to gain any weight but all my weight is shifting to my front which has people’s jaw drop but at the same time tell me I look great (aka not fat). My “waist” you know those curvies on the side(?) seem like they sucked in which gives me even more of a defined shape I think. LOL No making fun of my hair either, I was tired and just didn’t feel like fixing it last night. This Houston heat makes small “heated” tasks hell (washing dishes, straightening hair, cooking). My grandma saw me yesterday for the first time since I’ve been pregnant (in a bikini at that!) and told me, “I’m so proud of you”….. :idea: LOL Seriously it’s not THAT hard to get pregnant, well atleast for me it wasn’t. I just thought that was one of the funniest reactions to me being pregnant.

19 Weeks Front View

I felt the little cupcake KICK me for the first (and so far only) time on Friday morning. I was waking up and I thought Bruce was digging himself closer to me. And then I put my hands on my stomach like I do every morning and felt something PUNCH me from the inside, my eyes seriously went WIDE and I got the goofiest smile I bet. And then I kept my hands their a few more moments and felt baby kick me AGAIN! But since then I’ve only felt movement, no kicking. But it was an amazing feeling. Amazing indeed.

Everyone have a great day!

13 Responses to Feeling like a whale…

  1. Lynn

    I am so excited for you! I’m wondering if maybe your grandmother meant she was proud of you for everything you’ve accomplished so far…falling in love, marrying a great guy, starting out your lives together and now having kids when the time is right. I think that’s definitely something to be proud of. :)

  2. Connie

    My mom was upset when I got my period this month because she said she has a feeling someone close to her is going to have a baby. (Her body is totally weird. When her best friend was pregnant, my mom was experiencing the symptoms such as morning sickness and her boobs would grow out of no where and shrink back down!) Anyway, she was wondering if it was me & I think she was liking the idea far too much.

    Anyway, I think I’ve told you this before, but you look sooo cute! I totally love the top.

  3. Melissa

    You look great!

  4. Dani

    Aww.. you DO look great. :]

  5. Elfie33

    Your not a whale, you just have a little bump. You look so cute.

  6. tracey

    again, you look amazing :)
    hooray for kicks!!

  7. Nancy

    Did you have any morning sickness at all, or any troubles during your first trimester?

  8. admin

    Nancy – During my first trimester I had night sickness (we joke around about how I dont wake up early enough to have morning sickness), around 6pm everynight I would just feel horrible and couldn’t down any food. And threw up every other day or so, boy am I glad that is over with :) I was also VERY restless during the first trimester.

  9. Jen

    aww pregnancy suits you well!! you look amazing

  10. Katy

    You look great! And cute top too. =)

  11. Rye

    Hey PAM! It’s Riley. I am so happy for you. WOW. Excited. I’ll have to send you a baby package soon! Oh hey I was at your flickr and saw all your freebies and savings and you mentioned a website for the coupons can you email that to me? Or any other sites you use to get freebies? Share your secrets with me Pam, I need them, I’m broke and need free things! I’ll keep updated with the baby by reading your blog so you better post every little thing miss or mr cupcake does while he’s still growing!

  12. Charliie

    Hope everything is okay with you after Ike blew through town.

  13. Rose

    Ahh, so exciting! And you look AWESOME!