17 Weeks!

Posted by admin on August 21st, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

I seriously can’t believe this photo, I don’t know maybe my belly actually looks like this since I can’t fit into many of my tshirts & I don’t have a full stand up mirror. I got these super comfy maternity tshirts from Gap…soooooo comfy & I got them for $7 each! I wish they would have had more in my size though, they only had green & blue in my size. Haha my ramblings amuse me so much. This weekend we are going to some cabin or something with JP’s family, should be interesting. I got a new VS bag to tote all my stuff in, I probably end up packing too much entertainment. Okey I have to go grab some food and plan some dinner out, everyone have a super wonderful day.

And thank you from the bottom of my cream cheese covered heart for everyone sending their warmest wishes & congratulations!!

17 Weeks

16 Responses to 17 Weeks!

  1. danielle

    you’re absolutely glowing! :] i can’t wait to have kids. congratulations again!

  2. Ashley

    eeep! so cute and tiny!

  3. cassie

    awww you look so cute!!

  4. Nicole

    You are the cutest pregnant chick! Your tatas got bigger too. You look so happy…and I’m happy for you. I know your just loving it!

  5. Wanda

    You look great! I was already half a cow when I was 17 weeks. ha ha

  6. Erica

    oh wow, your really showing. My one friend is a bit ahead of you and you show more then her..its nuts.

  7. megan

    your belly is very high up! it must be a girl!

  8. Bobbi

    Aw, so cute :)

  9. Leanne

    OH my goodness! You look adorable Pamela! I cannot wait until you give birth! The baby is going to look ohSO adorable, I just know it!

    Have fun with the cabin trip thing :) Take pictures!!

  10. Jess

    So adorable!

  11. jordan

    such a cute little mommy to be! :)

  12. Teresa

    Cute bump! I’m 5 weeks ahead of you. Are you feeling the baby move yet? This one hasn’t stopped for about 6 weeks.

  13. Nancy

    Oh my gosssssssssshh :)

  14. Connie

    you make pregnancy look so cute!

  15. Lis

    Omggggg! you’re pregnant too!?? Jesus, I feel SO outta the loop. Congrats girl!

  16. Pam (TN)

    Hi Pamela, I’m Pamala…just stumbled into your blog. Congrats on your baby bump..