Take that!

Posted by admin on August 15th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .

Okey okey I know I sounded very dissappointed with not finding out the sex of the baby but really it’s not a HUGE deal. I’m enjoying being pregnant, it would be nice to call my belly something other then ‘kid’ but I’m just happy that my baby is healthy. I’d love to know the sex of the baby but if I didn’t find out until the day he/she was born that would be fine.

So I have to run out and run some errands, get quite a bit of work done & clean the house. But I wanted to make a quick post with a request…well a request for requests! What do you want to see a picture of? Something in my house, a piece of my life, etc. I just feel like taking pictures..haha :)

6 Responses to Take that!

  1. Wanda

    When we first found out the sex they told us it was a girl, we had a name picked and everything. Then 4 weeks later they said, “Oh we made a mistake”, “Its a boy”. haha I could have killed them. Hopefully next time you all will have better luck!

    I like looking at pictures, so a picture of anything. Maybe what you see from your front door?

  2. Nicole

    A picture of you with your pets!

  3. kT

    wow you’re still online.. I was wondering where you went :)

    & congrats on the pregnancy :) I’ve 2 wonderful little boys :) it’s the greatest joy EVER

  4. megan

    i think it would have driven me nuts not knowing whats growing in my belly! i’m 33 weeks today. i found out it was a boy at my 18 week ultrasound. i went back at 27 or 28 weeks and as i asked the ultrasound tech if he was still a boy, he started to pee and it shot across the screen. we all started laughing and she told me it must be a boy cause she’s never seen a girl pee like that. haha. i cant wait to tell his girlfriends that story when he gets older!

  5. linds

    uhhh, i did not know fetuses piss inside you. so, i looked it up and found this video…


    you learn something new everyday.

  6. Christine

    Congrats on your pregnancy! I haven’t been here for a bit so I didn’t know! How are you feeling? Have you started shopping yet? So many questions, haha.

    I like to think I’d want to be surprised as to if I’m going to have a boy or girl, but I don’t think I’d be able to wait.