Together we shall take over the world!!!
Thursday, March 26th, 2009Click for larger view of Goofball & Mini-Goofball
Click for larger view of Goofball & Mini-Goofball
Monday was Micah’s 2 month doctor appointment (he turned 2 months on Thursday!) & I am in love with his doctor’s office! The receptionist told me they were quite busy and she apologizes for any long wait but I seemed to get in very quickly. Maybe 10 minutes of waiting time? To me that is [...]
I just had to post baby pictures… I’ll be posting older pictures of me here and there…and yes embarrassing ones because those are the best ones of all. Here’s me at around 2 months and at 23 years.
Micah sported his Mr. Rogers sweater a week or so ago. It was a big hit. He asked for me to share pictures with our blog readers…yes I am the baby…
Help me out? Would you be willing to print out 4 coupons for me & send them snail mail to me? It’s a limit of 2 coupon print outs per computer and I’d like to get a lot to stock up on diapers. It’ll take just a few minutes to just print them out, write [...]
I have a bit of a dilemma. Our duplex is pretty awesome but it has flaws, indeed it has its flaws. So we have been talking about moving somewhere smaller & less expensive. But moving is always so stressful, but anyone can tell you that. And combined with having an infant it could possibly be [...]
Today I went grocery shopping and luckily spent way less then I expected but I didn’t buy a Slingbox. Micah has started cooing. This morning he was laying inside his bassinet just watching & talking to his bear mobile. And then this evening he found his ears & just kept tugging and touching them.It’s so [...]
Gotta love the facial expressions in this picture Oh and my hubby started a blog, go check it out!
Today was Micah’s first day of having tummy time! I decided to wait until his umbilical cord stump fell off, it fell off yesterday which also meant Micah got his first bath! Today Micah had his first tummy time and did wonderful. A lot of babies cry during tummy time but Micah was smiling and [...]