
Posted by admin on February 24th, 2009 . Filed under: Pictures, Random .

I have a bit of a dilemma. Our duplex is pretty awesome but it has flaws, indeed it has its flaws. So we have been talking about moving somewhere smaller & less expensive. But moving is always so stressful, but anyone can tell you that. And combined with having an infant it could possibly be a very tricky thing to do at the moment. I made these pro/con lists of each place & well by the looks of the list it would be a good thing for us to move. By the way the central a/c (not so much heat) & dishwasher things are a bigger pain in the butt then you would imagine.  :LOL:

 Our Current Duplex Pros & Cons:
+Huge floor plan (1600 sq ft)
+In a favorable part of town with everything around us
- The people who live in the garage apartment tend to be loud
- No dishwasher (yes this is horrible for me LOL)
- No washer/dryer or wash room
- A/C & Heat is those boxed units
+ Hardwood floors
- Thin windows that let in heat & cold air in the house
+ For some reason I really love this place

Possible New Apartment Pros & Cons:
+/- Smaller floorplan (less cleaning but less room)
+ Close to both my mom & JP’s mom
+ Dishwasher!!!!
+ Rent cost less
+ Central A/C & Heat
-  Moving is a pain in the butt
+ A common wash area
+ JP’s brother lives in the apartment complex we would be moving into so he could walk over to watch sports on the weekend
- Carpet is a pain with 3 animals (but I could steam vacuum once a month)
+ We won’t have to put up random thick blankets & fabrics on the windows to keep in good air & out bad air (you can see some of the fleece skulls on the windows in this picture)

Looking at Mama

6 Responses to Moving?

  1. claudia

    It can be such a hard decision! While the carpet thing is a hassle with animals, if you keep up after them it’s not actually all that bad.

  2. Jeanine

    oh my gosh how adorable is that photo!!! so so so cute!!!

    I like the pros/cons list you did up…. Definately something to think about and look into!: )

    good luck.. i’m sure whatever decision you make will be the best one for you and your little fam :)

  3. tracey

    consider the next 5 years too, Pam.. do you think you\’ll have another baby? we don\’t have enough rooms – so Jasper and his sister will share a room for at least 5 years, 10 if we can stretch it. otherwise we\’ll have to sell up and move :/

  4. Ashley

    I completely understand how you feel about not having a dishwasher. We’ve lived in our current townhouse since November, and I’ve only recently stopped complaining about our lack of a dishwasher :)

    I know you’ll make whatever decision is right for you and your family, but it seems to me like moving would be a good option — especially with lower rent leaving your “thin” windows that let out heat behind, think of the money you’d save!

    I love Micah’s face in that picture… He has the best little facial expressions!

  5. ruggedo

    If you could just take your time in a move it wouldnt be so bad. Move a little each day until your fully in. How can you afford two rents tho to make moving easy?
    It sounds like your leaning towards the smaller place tho so good luck and get organized :)

  6. Nicole

    Take it from someone who has moved plenty of times – IT IS WORTH IT! Sure moving sucks, but the pros of your new place are obviously out weighing the bad, so take a leap of faith!