That’s a big boy!

Posted by admin on March 20th, 2009 . Filed under: Pictures .

Monday was Micah’s 2 month doctor appointment (he turned 2 months on Thursday!) & I am in love with his doctor’s office! The receptionist told me they were quite busy and she apologizes for any long wait but I seemed to get in very quickly. Maybe 10 minutes of waiting time? To me that is not a long wait at all, I’ve sat for over a hour in a waiting room before! Anyways we went to the room and stripped Micah down to just his diaper so he could be weighed….he is 13 lbs & 7 oz!! And measures 24 inches! His doctor told me that he is measuring as a 4 month old! And when I questioned about Micah just waking once through the night for the past month (atleast on most nights) she told me that I was lucky & he is getting plenty of food (errr boob juice) so just enjoy the sleep. :LOL:

2 Months Micah!

He was such a little flirt with the nurses and doctor, just laughing & smiling for everyone! Oh but when they poked his chubby little legs with 3 needles…you could see the look of betrayl in his eyes! But I read somewhere it is good to nurse them right afterwards because it can prevent fever so he didn’t cry for long at all. And by golly he didn’t get a fever. He was a bit cranky but you know what? I would have been too if I would have gotten those needles in my legs! After leaving the doctor’s office we left to do some coupon shopping & he was an angel while shopping. But I actually haven’t had him misbehave during shopping…I sure did hear another kid screaming (around 2 years old) & just thanked God that it wasn’t Micah. Oh and I think Micah likes our bed better then his bassinet…I mean our is no sleep number bed but we have a thick memory foam topper and it just hugs you. I’m thinking that’s why he likes it, because I don’t even have to be next to him & he’ll pass out cold on our bed. But I don’t let him stay there to sleep because it’s just way too soft for a baby to sleep in.

Waiting room... Oh Noes! Betrayed!

4 Responses to That’s a big boy!

  1. anne

    Omg sooo cute!! Just wait til he’s around 6 months, when he sees the doctor he will start to cry and turn away because he knows he’s going to get hurt. My son did that, it was so cute lol

  2. Jeanine

    Hes beyond adorable! All your pics of him are precious!

    You are super lucky he only wakes up once during the night.. None of mine did that until at least after 6 or 7 months.. lucky lucky you!

  3. Audge

    What a gorgeous baby! Congratulations!
    haha@boob juice

  4. Jessica

    You have a gorgeous little man!