
Posted by admin on August 25th, 2010 . Filed under: Random .

So many people would benefit from learning to be alone. I’m not talking let’s all out and get divorces or break off relationships. I’m talking about about being comfortable in your skin. I can easily sit in a restaurant by myself and eat a meal. Going to a movie alone? That would be heaven. I think it’s all about being comfortable with your skin & thoughts. It isn’t the end of the world to spend time alone. I rejoice in it, but I guess that being a stay/work-at-home mom gives me more of a push to want to have alone time even more now then I did before. But even before having a child, I could sit in the middle of a mall alone, go to movies alone, enjoy lunch sitting by myself in a packed restaurant….but I know this isn’t something everyone can do. In fact, the husband can not do this. He rather sit in his car eating his lunch then sit at a park, fast food place or anywhere he is publicly alone. He’s never been to the movies alone. He thinks I’m weird & I think he’s weird.


2 Responses to Alone.

  1. Sofia

    Totally agree.
    I know a lot of people who would NEVER for example go shopping by themselves, because it “looks wierd”.
    And if you tell people you want to be alone, they think you’re depressed or lonely…

    I love being alone from time to time!

  2. Nicole

    I’ve never gone to a movie alone, but I’ve done other things alone. I cherish my alone time. I just prefer to do certain things with a person. I actually prefer shopping by myself though.