Just eat it.

Posted by admin on March 10th, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

My son can sure put away a lot of food. This whole plate minus some of the shreds of lettuce were devoured by Micah for dinner last week. I’m afraid for the teen years….I can’t even imagine him if his appetite continues like this. He’s always been a big eater. Note the little the hand going for the food…


6 Responses to Just eat it.

  1. cassie

    boys are little piggies! i bet elliott will be one when he’s a bit bigger, too.
    .-= cassie´s last blog ..Niagara Falls 2010 =-.

  2. Mari

    If you really are that concerned, control his eating. As a mother, it is up to you to make the best choices for him (and his appetite), especially concerning his health. He is not in charge of his appetite, you are. Don’t worry, he will not starve. By all means, let him attack the salad and vegetables, but control his meat, fruit, carbs, and junk. If he acts like he really is starving (which he is not, so do not worry), whole milk is great and filling and will satiate his little “need”.

  3. admin

    Oh no I’m not concerned, he eats well but he doesn’t over indulge. I know this because sometimes he eats more & sometimes less then other times. And he is a healthy eater, he doesn’t eat a bunch of processed crap for the most part either. He’ll eat what he wants and then tell me he’s done. Also I don’t let him control what he gets to eat for meals, that is just begging for a picky eater. Micah has a pretty well balanced diet, I strive to get him to try new (and healthy) things all the time.

    I doubt we will get to the point of snacking & junky eating because I make a point of not buying many convenience snack foods.

  4. Donnell Durham

    This post is beyond awesome. I am always wondering what to do and what not to do so I will follow some of these tips.

  5. Jeanine

    Oh it doesnt stop even at 6 years old. My son is a pigggglet. So is my 9 month old son. My girls are a bit too now that I actually think about it lol but its more fruit and veggies they just cant get enough of so I cant complain!! :D

  6. Evelyn

    His little hand poking through makes this picture so cute. I remember my son was the same way we use to call him the bottomless pit and was so skinny, but when he was around 12-16 months it just kinds stopped. He got really picky and would barely eat. He’s now 18 months and his appetite is definitely coming back, but yeah when it comes to junk food there is never saying no lol.
    .-= Evelyn´s last blog ..Yeah another addiction… =-.