Lunch with Micah.

Posted by admin on March 4th, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

This afternoon I went with Micah to Whole Foods planning to get some of their delicious Chicken Noodle soup but they weren’t offering it today. So we got a fruit & nut cookie to share. We sat outside to take in the beautiful weather that Mother Nature gave us today.

And then I decided I was hungry since it was already 1pm and I hadn’t ate all day we grabbed some sushi. And before you call me a bad more for putting cookies before food, Micah had already had lunch but he’s like me….always ready to eat. And I would have done the cookies before lunch anyway, so suck a toe. Micah just had some simple avocado rolls which he devoured. Once in awhile I would put a tiny bit of soy sauce on a piece, he loved it.

After we filled our bellies with deliciousness we hung out outside some more, it was just such a beautiful day I couldn’t help but want to enjoy the day. We played on a fail whale & then headed home for a nap. All that eating & enjoying life can wear you out!

3 Responses to Lunch with Micah.

  1. Barbara

    Micah gets 10 points for liking sushi. You get 10 points for his ACDC shirt :)
    .-= Barbara´s last blog ..WTF Friday =-.

  2. Jeanine

    Micah is adorable! I can’t believe he eats sushi..thats like my girls, they will eat anything!

    love the pics hes getting soo big!
    .-= Jeanine´s last blog ..Ramblings… =-.

  3. Jennifer

    I call you an awesome Mom for putting cookies before lunch. Everyone, including kids, need it once and a while. :)

    He is just too adorable!
    .-= Jennifer´s last blog ..RSS Addiction =-.