
Posted by admin on October 26th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. I’ve been overwhelmed with thoughts of our move this week, moving into a tiny home is something that takes a certain mind frame…I have it. Now packing that’s where I have my problem, I hate packing. BLAH! We’ve also been busy with finishing the build, this weekend we looked at water filters to filter the water for the whole place. How awesome is that? We’re way out of the city and have well water, so having filtered water is very important to me. We finished all the electricity this past weekend, fun fun.

Micah is ready for a nap, but I’m going to stop neglecting my poor blog.

3 Responses to Neglect.

  1. Connie

    Good luck with your move!
    .-= Connie´s last blog ..Counting down the hours!!!! =-.

  2. kay

    i send good luck wishes your way, too! i’ve also been neglecting my blog, but i’ve noticed a lot of others have been too.

    i hope the move goes well, and i can’t wait to see pics of the new place. i think it’s totally awesome (and modern) that you’re down-sizing. one family i like reading about blogs here: – they actually lived in an RV for over a year, and then in a 600 sq ft house, i believe? anyway – she has tons of decorating ideas & tips for small places, she always makes them so adorable!
    .-= kay´s last blog ..Conferences and Calm Downs =-.

  3. Cassie

    I hope your move goes smoothly! Moving can be super stressful so make sure you have lots of help. :)
    .-= Cassie´s last blog ..I like Sunday’s. For now. =-.