Halloweenie HELP!?

Posted by admin on October 18th, 2009 . Filed under: Being Mom .

So all the costumes I’ve seen in Micah’s size (12 months) are really THICK & heavy. And there is a good chance it won’t be freezing here & my big boy sweats when it’s hotter then 70*F in the house. Sooo I was thinking to MAKE his costume but I’m a little indecisive & just lost. Personally I’m thinking a Chipndales dance…black pants, cuffs, bowtie, $1 bills… oh yeeeahh, see link. Do you have any ideas?


I remember being a kid & having homemade costumes. My grandma would make sew yarn into my witches hat. And I want to give Micah those memories, store bought costumes are great but making something more original is more in the Halloween spirit I love!

5 Responses to Halloweenie HELP!?

  1. Rin

    That chipndale costume is so simple yet cute. I dunno if people would get the wrong idea though. I’m sure some would think it’s exploiting the child. But I think it’s a cute idea! I luv it.
    .-= Rin´s last blog ..Proud New Owner of Hot Pumps! =-.

  2. Jennifer

    I love the chipndale dancer idea. I think that would be too cute! My daughter is going to be the traditional lady bug and I still cannot decide if she likes wearing it or not granted she is only 6 months old so she isn’t going to remember anyway. I suppose I might as well dress her the way I want now while I still can.

  3. Jessica

    LOL that’s so cute!
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..Frustrated. =-.

  4. Cassie

    I love that chipendale idea! It’s way too cute!

    I’m having a really hard time coming up with an outfit idea for Elliott. He will only be 3 months old on Halloween and most costumes are for 6 months and up. I’m thinking I will have to make something but unfortunetely I am not that crafty. Perhaps a halloween design on a onesie will have to do for this year.
    .-= Cassie´s last blog ..The Zombie Effect =-.

  5. Jeanine

    I wish I was crafty enough to make my kids costumes. Costumes this year cost $150…. eeek!!!

    The chip n dale dancer is cute.. Jayden is only 4 months old but I’ve kept a costume from my 1st son ( 6 yrs old now!) all my kids wore it so now its his turn.. its just a simple bumblebee! :)

    Maybe try something like an animal? or cowboy? something simple and easy to make yourself?