Just a Relaxing Saturday

Posted by admin on June 27th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

Saturday mornings have been about doing a clean through of the house (instead of the daily tidy up), relaxing with the family & well just relaxing. Right now we are all in the living room watch Imagination Movers, Micah really enjoys music so we all act silly dancing and singing. But the guy with long hair seems like he’s been eating some of the funny brownies. I think the rest of today will be just staying at home, sometimes you just don’t want to do more anything else. JP cleaned up the stereo cabinet so there aren’t a tons of DVDs & games sitting around the TV bothering me.

Homer & Micah

I try to read to Micah whenever he doesn’t get too cranky before bed or just randomly during the day. I pick out usually three books each time & we’ll sually get through them all but last night we only got through 2 1/2 books, Micah just got too cranky and started flopping around. He said enough was enough, he wanted to sleep. Do any of you read to your kids? When do you do it? During the day, before bed or some ofther time?

Well I’m off to relax. Have a wonderful day!

What we reading mom?

3 Responses to Just a Relaxing Saturday

  1. Vicky

    I always found time to read to my kids.
    It was a good way to get time to sit and relax together.
    Always a part of bedtime routine, bath, book and bed.
    As they grew up we had quiet time after lunch and would snuggle and read together, a nap often followed. Books give so much.
    Micah is such a beautiful little boy.
    Enjoy your family day relaxing together, those are the special times :-)

    Love and light Vicky x

  2. Claudia

    He looks so sweet with those books!!
    .-= Claudia´s last blog ..someone call the wahm-bulance =-.

  3. teresa

    I’ve always read to my children and because of this Sam (the eldest) was reading before he was three years old.