No Bed Bugs for Me!

Posted by admin on June 25th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

I got theseĀ bed bug encasement products to try & review. Since I’ve actually had a bed bug scare before (thankfully didn’t have them, just an allergic reaction to something) I thought these would be AWESOME when I travel. Last time I took a trip I tried them out & they were very easy to remember to use. And simple to use. I just placed my bags inside of the plastic encasement, the plastic is too slippery for the bed bugs to crawl inside of if the hotel you are staying at has bed bugs. I read that almost every hotel has SOME level of bed bugs, which just about made me want to hurl. I have no idea what level mine was at since I didn’t see any but I didn’t get any bed bugs. After reading so much about it, it scared the heck out of me. I stayed at some not so nice places before & now I’m too scared to go anywhere without these guys. They are just so simple, I never thought a piece of plastic could give me such peace. I know not everyone is as afraid as bed bugs as myself but if you are, this will give you piece of mind!

This is just my HONEST review, I was sent the item & given a small compensation to give an honest review. If I didn’t like the product I would let you know for sure, but so far so good. The only thing is they are a tad pricey but if you are an avid traveler it would be worth the price for sure!

3 Responses to No Bed Bugs for Me!

  1. Roo

    How did you get do try and review things? Is there a place online you can sign up to do this? I am in the UK though, so not sure if I could do it as well….
    Also, I wanted to ask you (as you seem to be really good with coupons and money-saving stuff) – is there any sites that do printable coupons that have UK stuff too? Sorry to bug you but didn’t know who else to ask! Thanks x

  2. admin

    The sites I am apart of are US only (for both reviews & coupons), sorry. Wish I could help but I just don’t see sites for the UK that often. Maybe someone on would know.

  3. Roo

    Okay, I will try that, thanks :)
    Yeah it’s really annoying over here in the UK. In the past month I’ve only found about 8 coupons that I could print off, and 2 of them were for cat food which is not much good for me personally as I don’t have cats! :(
    It seems UK are not very good for coupons at all! Sometimes wish I lived in the US! haha
    Thanks again x