And this my folks..

Posted by admin on March 20th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

This is what happens when your husband tells you he’ll make dinner on a Saturday night because you are just too tired to cook. Artery clogging goodness.

This is what happens...

7 Responses to And this my folks..

  1. Erica

    lol, gotta give him props for being creative.

  2. Hannah

    Now i remember why i stopped letting andrew cook for us ages ago! We used to alternate between fried food, and instant food – I swear I could feel the fat pile up in my cheeks.

  3. Nancy

    What are those things on the left? They look pretty delish.

  4. admin

    Those a cheese pizza rolls :D

  5. Stephanie

    that’s hilarious! i guess he knows how to throw things into the oven eh? my husband knows how to make kraft dinner… i don’t think he’s made much else in the 5 yrs we’ve been married.. heh

  6. Nancy

    Cheese pizza rolls!?? MMmmmmm

  7. Heather

    I just spit my soda out when I saw this! LOL this is way too funny! I think my husband would eat like this every night of the week if he was a bachelor! It all meets the criteria…1. Frozen and fast 2. Can be cooked in the microwave 3. FRIED!