I so need a nap…

Posted by admin on December 29th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .

I had a doctor’s appointment at 9:45am this morning but I didn’t wake up until 9:20am! Whoops, actually I woke up around 8am but I stayed in bed playing with one of my cats and just ended up falling asleep. I luckily made it to my doctor’s appointment at around 9:50am but I just really hate being late even if they never call my name until 15 minutes after my appointment is set for (annoying!). Everything is looking good & the doctor estimated the baby to be around 7.5-8 lbs right now, let’s just hope he’s not dead on because I still have a month left! :o

Right now I’m putting together things so for 2009 I can grow photography into a full-time money maker for myself. I see this having a long to-do list, I also want to finally get another idea off the ground which JP is also apart of. Has anyone heard about working capital?

4 Responses to I so need a nap…

  1. teresar

    At my 36 week scan my baby was estimated at the same weight. I’ve been told not to expect anything under 10lb this time. My second son weight 11lb 10oz and I’m not a big girl either o_O

  2. admin

    HOLY MOLEY!! That is one big baby! Okey now you officially scared the poo outta me :p

  3. megan

    i asked my dr around 37 weeks how much he thought the baby was going to be. he told me 7 1/2-8 pounds. he ended up being 6lbs 14oz. so dont worry too much!

  4. teresar

    Didn’t mean to worry ya Pam. Lots of my friends have had smaller babies than predicted. I guess I just grow them big. Seeing the midwife tomorrow for a stretch and sweep so hopefully that will start me off. Getting miserable with it all now. I just want to cuddle my baby girl.