Well it’s official…

Posted by admin on July 12th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .

I really didn’t think I was showing as much as I am, I’m not one to ogle myself in the mirror and obsess over ever pound. Although I haven’t gained any weight at all, my stomach is getting a roundish eggish thing. And I was showing J.P., he just shrugged and said “I guess”. Well I went to CVS to pick up some garbage bags (can’t believe we ran out!) & when I was checking out with a nice girl who works there who I actually love checking out with (not the mean lady who hates me saving money)…okey wait where was I? Oh yeah well I was swiping my card, making small talk & she just casually goes “So do you know if it’s a girl or boy?”. My jaw DROPPED and I whispered “how’d you know?!”. She laughed saying she seems me in the store all the time and she noticed my stomach, I just laughed and told her I don’t find out until September.

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Well I thought that was hiliarious and couldn’t wait to tell J.P. when he gets home from playing basketball, well when I’m coming in the house I notice my downstairs neighor was pulling in & had her dog with her. So I decided to say hello & since I haven’t seen her dog in forever I played with him. Then she asked very quietly if I was pregnant & then my due date. LOL HARLARIOUS!!!!! :) Okey well I have to go do “chores” so see you guys later.

5 Responses to Well it’s official…

  1. Hannah Jen

    perfect baby bump.

  2. Bobbi

    I have been following your blogs for YEARS, and I have to say that I’m so excited that you’re pregnant. You look absolutely adorable with that little tummy :)

  3. Nicole

    You are showing and it is adorable! I am so happy for you and JP. You probably haven’t noticed since you see it every day, but I can definitely tell. (tear) Too awesome.

  4. cassie

    that is so cute, that little bump!

  5. Erica

    yaya little baby bump. How cute.