Well this isn’t fun…

Posted by admin on July 11th, 2008 . Filed under: Random .

Since I’ve been pregnant I’ve been so lazy and tired….my house is a mess. A total mess and I’m so ashamed of how my house looks. I have papers everywhere, all my tables are covered in mess. I wish I could get out of my funk, today I made myself a lengthy to-do list and even if I get half done I’ll be excited. :) I’m already off to a not so wonderful start by waking up a hour later though. I’m going to crank the music up once Gilmore Girls is finished up, this is my ultimate favorite show. Okey well I’m off to watch this show and then clean the house. :)

3 Responses to Well this isn’t fun…

  1. Lisha

    Ahh!! I love Gilmore Girls!!! It’s one of my faves too, I am so sad with the way it ended though ;( We should petition for a comeback haha.

    Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, I have been so lazy too and I’m not even pregnant! At least you have a decent excuse! Hope you get some of your stuff done :)

  2. Hannah Jen

    Listen to your body hun, if you feel tired rest. You are NOT being lazy, you are making a new person!!
    I know how much mess can get you down. Do a little tidy up when you have the energy, don’t forget the most important work is happeneing inside of you!!!!

  3. Miami

    omg pammy!!! i must be slow i didn’t know u were preggers!!! congratulations!!! ^_^