Archive for the 'Daily' Category

This is just how we roll…

Friday, June 5th, 2009

We just like taking pictures & being awesome together.

One of those days..

Thursday, June 4th, 2009

I’m dead tired but think I might not be in bed when I’d like to. I have a bunch of things to do still tonight. J.P. cleaned the kitchen tonight (and last night). Totally volunteered to do it tonight, last night I told him he could feed the baby or clean the kitchen…he chose the [...]

This will be the death of me.

Thursday, May 28th, 2009

If I keep getting free Starbucks chocolate from Walgreens then it will be the death of me. The truffles are mouth watering, I would show you pictures but well they have all been ingested by myself. The chocolate bar is a little easier to keep from scarfing down since it has ground coffee beans in [...]

Our Tuesday.

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009

First of all a huge congratulations to Tracey & her growing family, she gave birth to a beautiful (and I do mean beautiful) baby girl, Jovie on May 21st!! So I know it is Saturday but the week was full of errands and my dad so I didn’t get a chance to update when I [...]


Thursday, May 21st, 2009

I’m feeling horrid today. I woke up with pains in my stomach & feeling very nauseous. Once I was on my way home from dropping my dad off at work, I decided to stop by Dora’s house (my sister in law) to do some coupon stuff but instead I threw up. But I didn’t throw [...]

My days are filled with this wonderful creature…

Monday, May 18th, 2009

Yes I just called my son a creature. Is he not? My dad is staying with us this week, so right now Micah is screaming at him. More on that later.

Friday, May 15th, 2009

I miss blogging & having my computer, I SHOULD have my computer by Monday. And hopefully the contents of it doesn’t get wiped out. It’s unlikely but possible. So send good vibes my computers way. I think it’ll be very intense moment when I get it back. My macbook is my drug & I’m having [...]

Ugh. Electronics suck.

Thursday, May 14th, 2009

My video card in my computer went out on Sunday night, great end to my first Mother’s day huh? Oh well it’s still under warranty so it’s free to fix. Ugh just wanted to say hello really quick. Lately just have been a bit blah for me lately.

I know I’m alive…

Friday, May 8th, 2009

Tonight we’re heading out to the Astros game! It will be Micah’s first sporting event (not counting my sister’s ball game the other day)! The Astros haven’t been doing that wonderful lately but my mom offered us her tickets for tonights game & I’m surely not going to say no! Plus tonight is fireworks night! [...]

Frightening Nightmares…

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

For the past two nights my sleep hasn’t been good at all. Micah has of course been a total angel sleeping through the nights still but I’ve been having nightmares. People killing me. Lots of blood. Lots of weapons. Very Scary. So last night when I decided to go to bed at 1am because I [...]