This will be the death of me.

Posted by admin on May 28th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

Oh Starbucks, how I love thee...

If I keep getting free Starbucks chocolate from Walgreens then it will be the death of me. The truffles are mouth watering, I would show you pictures but well they have all been ingested by myself. The chocolate bar is a little easier to keep from scarfing down since it has ground coffee beans in it, so it is a bit more rich & I don’t need as much to be content. But still I have had way too much, someone grab me a treadmill….maybe I can run some of these delicious calories off. Tomorrow I will go to the park & chase my niece around while taking her picture.

Oh Starbucks, how I love thee...

1 Response to This will be the death of me.

  1. Cookie

    Yeah really, why did chocolate ever have to be created? And so yummy? :P
    Go for the darkest chocolate. It’s healthy and so strong, that one piece is satisfyingly more than enough for a day :)