Archive for the 'Daily' Category


Monday, October 26th, 2009

I’ve been neglecting my blog lately. I’ve been overwhelmed with thoughts of our move this week, moving into a tiny home is something that takes a certain mind frame…I have it. Now packing that’s where I have my problem, I hate packing. BLAH! We’ve also been busy with finishing the build, this weekend we looked [...]


Saturday, October 17th, 2009

Help to raise 1ยข to #beatcancer with every blog post, tweet and Facebook status update you inspire your friends to create! Sponsored by ebay/paypal & Miller Lite! Both of my parents were diagnosed with cancer in 2002 & have beat cancer! Now if it were just possible for EVERYONE else too!!

Burts Bees Natural Acne Solution

Thursday, September 10th, 2009

Lately I’ve been using Burts Bees Natural Acne Solution that I received from being a BzzAgent. I’ve tried a lot of products because my skin either acts really good…or really bad. And when it’s acting bad I don’t want to show my face at all. But I’ve been using the purifying gel cleanser for almost [...]

I miss..

Friday, September 4th, 2009

I miss Nickelodeon in the 90′s, you know before Disney was king of the tweens? *sigh* Those were the days…here’s to you 90′s!

Sneak Attack!

Monday, August 31st, 2009

I was sitting on the floor eating & talking with Micah…he grabbed a handful of my refried beans. not cool.

Spinach & Mushroom Lasagna Rolls

Tuesday, August 25th, 2009

Yesterday I posted my dinner menu for the week, yesterday quite a few people asked for me to let them know the lasagna rolls turned out. WONDERFUL. That’s how…but I can never quite follow a recipe. So I decided to share my slightly modified version with y’all! You can also view/print the recipe here at [...]

Menu Plan Monday

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Monday: Spinach Lasagna Rolls (see recipe here) & garlic bread Tuesday: Chicken Flautas & potato flautas (my first attempt alone at these!!) Wednseday: Baked chicken legs with brown rice Thursday: Chicken burgers with baked steak fries Friday: Meatloaf with spinach mashed potatoes *every meal but Friday’s is served with a salad*

Early training…

Monday, August 24th, 2009

Every morning we sit together watching Sesame Street (or some other show) and play. The toys get rotated daily to keep him entertained. His kitchen is the newest addition to his toys, I picked it up at the Target toy sale and JP decided to bust it out on Friday. It was too cute, I [...]

Yoplait Weiners!!! I

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

Congrats to comments #2 & #16 for winning the Yoplait giveaway! I’ll be in contact with y’all soon!


Friday, August 21st, 2009

Tonight we are going to bar-b-q. Hamburgers, kabobs and baked potatoes…OH MY! A nom filled night…now if I could just figure out a nommy dessert…S’MORES? Maybe….just maybe… off to the store we go!