
Posted by admin on May 12th, 2010 . Filed under: Random .

What’s a typical breakfast for you? Or are you a breakfast skipper?

I’m a yogurt & coffee kind of person. Simple, easy & a good way to start me off on the day.

3 Responses to Breakfast?

  1. Charlie

    Oatmeal and fruit. Sometimes eggs. Just depends. Being a guy there is always the chance I’ll be having cold leftover pizza some morning too. :p I gave up caffeine but was never really a coffee drinker to begin with.

  2. Cinda

    Ugh I’m a huge breakfast skipper but I can’t do that anymore because I’m on a ‘special’ diet so I at least have to have a protein drink now if I have the feeling to skip/don’t feel like eating so my body isn’t starving haha I <3 Myoplex lite protein drinks from walmart they are actually awesome tasting. I usually have some scrambled eggs with a little spinach or asparagus or onions thrown in or some cheese but if I don't feel like eating I'll just have one of my shakes until lunch time.
    .-= Cinda´s last blog ..Getting to know me better.. =-.

  3. Stephanie

    I like a cup of FiberOne original cereal with 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries, and 1/2 cup skim milk.

    Antioxidants, calcium, and a little over 100 percent of my fiber for the daily.

    It is win, win, win.