Help me PLEASE?!

Posted by admin on May 13th, 2010 . Filed under: Random .

Sometimes while googling do you feel like an overload of information is being thrown in your way? And then it isn’t even the exact information you are looking for? I’m having that dilemma right now. I can’t seem to exactly find what I want even though I SORTA’ mostly know what I’m looking for. If anyone could help me out with these two things it would be appreciated.

1. How the heck do I get Micah to start sleeping in his crib & kick him out of our bed? What are some good methods? I’d rather keep “let him cry it out” as my last method.

2. Let’s say you have an ALL white kitchen. White tile on counter, cabinets that have been painted white, white appliances & greyish/white laminate. And let’s say you want to change the flooring & possibly paint the cabinets a different color so you don’t have to feel as in you are cooking inside of a take-out box. What color choices would you go with?

HELP ME!!! And any help would be awesome!!

5 Responses to Help me PLEASE?!

  1. claudia

    I’m sorry, I don’t have any suggestions for the first bullet point, but on the second we went with a light mossy green color and our cabinets are black. I think the only thing you need to worry about is not having several really punchy colors all together in one place. Oh, and I read somewhere that blue rooms tend to make people feel colder. :)
    .-= claudia´s last blog was never meant to be ours =-.

  2. Jessica

    We had a similar dilemma in our household. It was not until we started a night time routine and putting E down for naps in his own bed that we could make the transition from our bed to his. You may try putting Micah down for naps in his own bed, you might already do this, and then slowly transition him into his own room at night time. It takes a little while, but it helped us out. I hope you can reclaim your bed soon– it’s a pain sharing the bed with kids after a while!

    As for paint colors, I am at a loss. Our neighbor had an all white kitchen not too long ago and painted her cabinets black, with sunshine yellow walls.
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..Review: KinderCone =-.

  3. Heather

    My daughter co-slept with us from when she was about 4 months old until she was 18 months old. Like the previous poster, we started with a slow transition. Made a big deal out of the big girl bed (in her case still a crib, but new to her) she was SO excited. We started putting her down for naps in her crib. The first time she went down with no problem, but after that it was hit or miss on whether she would cry or not. It took a few days for her to get used to taking naps in her own bed, we were just strict with it and didn’t give in. She would cry for a bit, but we would go in every 5-10 minutes and assure her we were still here, after 2 trips she would eventually fall asleep. Then after a few days, no issues. After a week of no problems with naps, we started transitioning her at night with the same routine. A couple of those times, when the crying was really bad, we allowed her to fall asleep in our bed and we moved her over to her crib so she would wake up in her own room. The night time transition also took about a week. She is going to be 4 in July and has been in her own room since the transition. She is now in a full on “big girl bed” and we have no issues at all. It’s very freeing! Good luck!!

  4. Jen

    My son is 11 months and has never co-slept with his dad & I. What you could try, is stay in your son’s room until he falls asleep then go back to your own bed. You can try letting him fall asleep in your bed then moving him to his crib.
    As I said, my son has never slept with his — since coming home from the hospital (he was born 2 months premature and spent the first 33 days of his life in the NICU), he has always slept in his crib. If you are afraid of him sleeping by himself, I bought the Bebe monitors that detect movement and sound. There is a pad that goes under the crib, and it beeps for the child breathing. If something happens (the baby stops breathing, or moves off of the pad, or whatever the case), a loud alarm goes off within 20 seconds of no movement.

    For the kitchen, light colors work best — light blue, light green, maybe violet…basically, any light color to off-set the white but not make it look to bold or drastic.

  5. Mary

    I let Lilly fall asleep in our bed and then I just gently pick her up and move to the crib. No big deal…

    Oh, with white you can go any color I think… But please avoid red, it makes you more hungry :D
    .-= Mary´s last blog ..Words of wednesday =-.