The grass is always green

Posted by admin on April 16th, 2009 . Filed under: Pictures .

Saturday when my garage sale was finishing up my dad, uncle & cousin came by to visit. And for some reason Micah just takes such a liking to my cousin Micheal. So they went to the little park next door to our house and played while we packed up. But I couldn’t resist taking pictures because Micah was just being sooo cute and smiling. Michel was trying to get Micah to walk in the first picture, as you can tell Micah just laughed at him. And then they posed for some pictures. I have a few more I’ll add to my photoblog but I just had to share some on here as well. Speaking of my photoblog… I really need a pretty button for each of my blogs but I have such a creativity block lately.

Okey I am off to make a grocery store run before I have to go finish signing papers for the new apartment. Fun stuff.  :rolly: Hopefully I won’t get too stressed out and eat 5 dozen cookies like I’d like to…if so I’ll need some nuphedra reviews ASAP! Might have to start on diet pills if I eat that many cookies…or maybe not. :D

Play time



5 Responses to The grass is always green

  1. Connie

    Aww! Micah looks so cute in these pictures! Imagine how he’s going to be when he gets older–hanging out with the older uncle (orhowever you refer to your paret’s cousin; in my family, we just call everyone auntie/uncle if they’re older).

  2. admin

    SOoo funny you said this! We were trying to figure it out and were just like “okey you’ll just be uncle, it’s easier that way”

    And my lil brother and sister are 8 & 10…they are aunt & uncle but then he has cousins that are like 16. Just weird :P

  3. sam

    your cousin looks like you. and micah looks so excited to be with him.

    p.s. we call everyone aunt/uncle if they are older, too. it’s easier that way.

  4. Shaunie

    hey love…i found this online and thought u would enjoy this as a theme for your wordpress..

  5. Kyla

    Those pictures turned out really great – Love the bright colours.

    So where’s that last piece of the baby story we were promised?? :)