Super Receptionist!

Posted by admin on April 26th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

If I had a super power, like if a spider bit me and my normal abilities were just upped…it would be super typing. Yes. You wouldn’t even see my fingers flying as I typed to write this blog, I’d be able to blog 400 times a day without even blinking. Yes that’s how awesome I am. This is a conversation I’ve had with JP more then once.

Sorry for my lack of presence here. I don’t get the interent until Wednesday, my blogging addiction has hit me hard. I miss tweeting, blogging, surfing and all the wonderful things that come along with my website.

I’m at my brother-in-laws house waiting for pizza, I can’t wait for delicious mushroom pizza in my mouth. *drool* Anyone have any life insurance leads?? I might need some if I continuing eating like I have today, back to salads & baked chicken during the week though.

1 Response to Super Receptionist!

  1. Shellie

    Lol. I feel the same way when I don\\\’t get to feed my Internet/blogging addiction!! Pizza sounds yummy mmm! Just a few more days and you get to give into your addiction haha! :]