That’s just how the 4th rolled by…

Posted by admin on July 5th, 2011 . Filed under: Being Mom, Daily, Pictures .

Fourth of July was a bit of a boring day for us, I know others were out celebrating. Eating BBQ, heading to the pools, the beaches & watching fireworks. Us? Well we went to see Cars 2 & left after no more then 45 minutes into the movie. Micah just wasn’t feeling it & I personally was already bored by it. So after scarfing down the majority of our popcorn, candy & slurpees in the previews we just stuffed some candy in my purse and got our butts out of that theater. Yes, I was the one holding a screaming two year old who wanted to go “byyyyye bye”. The rest of our day was spent watching a marathon of Hoarders, which gave me an itch to clean the house. We had 3 loads of laundry that needed to be put away & toys all over the living room rug…so that show got me all itchy to clean.

Before beach...

So yes, our fourth of July was a bit of a Saturday kind of day but that’s good since the husband has been working at least 60 hours a week. Yes I said at least. So it was very nice to just sit & do nothing. But the third of July? That was a different story, we spent the whole day at the beach with my husband’s side of the family. Which was filled with yummy food, jumping over waves & pranks. Yes we might have thrown seaweed at each other, scared each other with wrapping seaweed around each other…what? It’s nice to act like your 12 sometimes, even while holding your two year old on your hip. By the way, Micah absolutely loved when we would over exaggerate the waves that came crashing at us. And didn’t mind at all when a wave would smack him right in the face. Man it is nice to have such a laid back kid.

Me & Hubby
Me & Micah got a bit red even with 5 separate applications of sunblock. I kept forgetting my back & forehead…yes just my forehead is sunburn because of my giant sunglasses. Micah just has red cheeks & nose, the rest of him is TAN. You should have seen him once I stripped him down for the ride home. All our family couldn’t help looking at the contrast from his back to butt, a bit hilarious since I can burn after 20 minutes in the sun.

After beach...

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