Work weirdness!

Posted by admin on November 17th, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

Sometimes I get an odd request or two from one of the families I work with. And today was a bit odd for me. The mother I help in the mornings asked if I would go to a book signing for her since it would be too difficult for her to go & to long for her son to be without her. I said sure, after all it was the time I was suppose to be working. And who was so important that I had to run to Barnes & Noble, park 3 blocks away from the bookstore because news vans were rudely taking up valuable parking spaces? George W. Bush. Yup. I stood in line for over a hour to have him sign 2 books for my boss. I wasn’t too excited to meet him though, he’s just like anyone else. But then I got to him & he turned the charm on. He shook my hand a bit too long, yes I pulled away & he just squeezed. And I made him laugh. But that shouldn’t come as a surprise with the true comedic extraordinaire that I am. And how you may ask?

GWB: Good morning
ME: Good morning to you too
GWB: Thank you for coming out
ME: Thank you for being here, I got to miss work for a few hours!
GWB: So that’s why you’re really here huh? *insert a roar of laughter*
ME: Alright you have a nice day
GWB: You too

And that folks is how I made a former president laugh. By telling the truth.

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