To iron or not to iron?

Posted by admin on October 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Random .

SImple question. Do you iron your linens? Sheets, comforters, duvets, towels, etc. Fess up do you go iron crazy on them? I’ve never thought to iron my linens, I mean what’s the point right? That bed is going to get wrinkly in your first night sleep anyway, but it looks soooo good that first fresh time! So do you iron everything including your panties? TELL ME! I don’t even know where my iron is, I’m a jeans & tshirts kinda person…sorry no fancy straight pants for me.

4 Responses to To iron or not to iron?

  1. Cinda

    I don’t iron anything :X haha If something has a few wrinkles in it I will throw it into the dryer until they are gone.. The only thing I do iron are any arts and crafts projects that need it! I had to dig my iron out last Christmas to make custom stocking for kids gifts haha

  2. Erica

    I dont iron anything. My family sends all the ironing over to my grandmother (who lives down the road) she does jeans, dress pants, work pants, shirts.

  3. Erin

    I only iron my clothes. I’ve thought about ironing my sheets though because they can get mighty wrinkly!

  4. Teresa

    I have an ironing lady. Don’t send sheets or undies to her ‘tho.