Lazy Parenting…

Posted by admin on June 8th, 2010 . Filed under: Being Mom .

So my dad often jokes about me being “lazy”. Eh whatever. I get what I HAVE to done, I like relaxing, napping & taking life super easy. Heck I wear yoga pants 5 days a week because there’s no reason for me to dress up to hang around the house when I’m just hanging out with my boys. I call it being practical, some call it lazy. Anyways my dad always jokes about me being lazy. But I will now justify my “lazy” actions in some rational and some irrational reasoning.

I let Micah roam around the yard without shoes. Lazy?
Nah not lazy. Micah enjoys it. I want him to know the textures of the grass, dirt, mud, pebbles & everything that goes with nature. I put down tons of ant killer & haven’t seen any ants in the yard since. I put ant killer down so my baby could roam freely.

I don’t dress Micah daily. Lazy?
Why dirty clothes that he’s just going to sit around the house in? He’ll usually just wear a tshirt & diaper around the house. Plus Micah hates diaper changes so not having to take off shorts makes it goes much faster.


Not stopping Micah from pulling out all the food from the pantry & the DVDs from the tv stand. Lazy?
OPPOSITE. I let him explore, I’ve made sure there is nothing he can’t get hurt on. So I let him go at it, explore, have fun. Now if he tries to open DVD cases (he recently learned how to) he gets redirected to another activity. Sure I have to clean up a bunch of cans & DVDs on a daily basis but it’s no big deal to let him play with things that aren’t toys.

Not cooking Micah his own food & letting him eat whatever we eat (done this since he got teeth). Lazy?
Micah is part of the family, he should eat whatever everyone else is eating. I started letting him eat whatever we were eating since he got teeth & then once he stopped breast feeding he only ate what/when we ate. Sure he has snacks of fruits & veggies when he needs it but he eats what we are eating during meals. I think if I would have just fed him baby & kid food that he wouldn’t nearly be as good as an eater that he is. He will eat ANYTHING & truly enjoys healthy food. Also I never started him on juice, only water & milk. So that’s all he drinks. I don’t restrict him from sweets or naughty foods while we are with family, I mean who wants to be that mom who is freaking out over some cake & juice? He won’t get it at home but I’m fine when he gets spoiled with naughty food on the weekends. No biggie. And just for fun here are a list of Micah’s most favorite foods: apples (writing this Micah actually jumped up & down giddy for an apple), bananas (eats atleast 1 a day) , popcorn, tomatoes (he ate a small tub of cherry tomatoes through out the day, last Saturday), carrots and his naughtiest love is Cheetos (what? we all have weaknesses!).


Not cutting Micah’s hair yet. Lazy?
Not at all, I don’t want to cut his gorgeous blond hair with all the precious curls & it’s wacky ways. I think his hair is just part of the crazy that makes up Micah! This is something I’ve thought about, I know his hair is long. I know people want me to cut it. I don’t want to cut it. Like I tell everyone, I’ll cut it when he can vocalize he wants it cut. Hopefully he won’t want it cut, but it’s his hair so when he decides then that’s what we’ll do.

Okey I went a bit off track on many topics but I’m feeling super chatty today so I’m not going to clean them up and delete where I went off topic. I in NO way think that my parenting methods are inferior to anyone else’s methods at all. We all choose whatever works best for the family. We do what’s best for our children & that’s all that matters. I believe in keeping Micah healthy and happy. I believe in keeping his mind open. I believe that having fun keeps Micah the cool kid he is. I believe that creativity opens so many doors in life & I want to let Micah express himself. I believe there is a reason for each action, bad or good. I believe being lazy isn’t bad, as long as you get what you need to done.

My little dancer..

4 Responses to Lazy Parenting…

  1. Mary

    I am more lazy than you. Believe me :D

  2. Jackie

    I think Micah’s hair is gorgeous and you shouldn’t cut it! The only thing about that list that worried me is that you let him roam the yard without shoes on! I use to live in Houston and the first time I mowed my yard I got attacked by fire ants! Glad to hear you killed all the ants first!

  3. admin

    Oh yeah I put down ant killer in the ENTIRE yard with this weird yard tool that shoots it all over as you “mow”, I think you can use it for grass seed too? I was worried about him playing in the grass too but I’ve been putting ant killer (and kills other nasty things) down every two weeks or so & we actually haven’t gotten any ants. I remember that this time last year the yard was FILLED with ant beds & I’d get bites all the time.

  4. Cinda

    I don’t think your ways are lazy at all and I also think everyone has their own way of doing things so there really isn’t a wrong way as long as it’s not harmful. I also love your little boys hair it is adorable!!