Play time all the time!

Posted by admin on May 21st, 2010 . Filed under: Being Mom, Pictures .

Yesterday we spent the morning at the park before the sun started heating us up a little too much. It’s only May & the heat is already showing just how miserable it’s going to make us this summer. Poor Micah starts sweating quick. Just look at those little rosy cheeks! But he sure did have fun going down the big kid slide since it was just us and a little girl his age at the park. I love when we have the park to ourselves & are able to just stretch out. And I know Micah loves to be able to run around without me having to keep him with the smaller children, freedom!

How often do you take your child(ren) to the park? Do you take snacks, games, toys, etc?

We’ve been trying to make it to the park atleast once a week & are pretty easy going with what we take with us. For Micah all we bring with us is a cup of water & then bottles of water are kept in my bag with my camera. I see others who bring tons of toys, buckets, kites & well I’m a little jealous because there’s no way I would be able to keep up with so much stuff.

Checking it out...

Who me?

Cross the bridge


1 Response to Play time all the time!

  1. Jenn

    Great photos! Micah is really adorable. :)

    In answer to your question, I have been taking Alyssa and Ryan to the park at least two times a wee. We usually go around 11:30am, when they’re raring to go but when it’s not super-hot out yet. I bring along an insulated bag with sandwiches, drinks (usually bottled water, though today I brought along Capri Sun), and snacks — crackers, cheese wedges, grapes, sometimes chips, etc.

    And since this is a small park that has a large amount of paths and open grassy areas for the kids to play in and ride around in, I also bring along Alyssa’s bike and Ryan’s scooter, and my netbook to work/play on while they play their hearts out.

    As a matter of fact, I’m typing this from the park right now. We have been here for almost three hours! The food has been demolished, the water bottles have been refilled twice, and the kids are starting to look pretty flushed, though I’ve been pushing fluids on them every 15-20 minutes and have re-applied sunscreen twice. I think it’s time for us to pack up and head home!
    .-= JennĀ“s last blog ..12/6/0 =-.