Parenting style?

Posted by admin on May 19th, 2010 . Filed under: Being Mom .

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of different parenting styles. And I’m lost. I don’t & probably will never fit into one type of parenting style. I mean there are some styles that are totally me but there are some things that type of parenting wouldn’t seem to do. For instance I relate a lot to attachment parenting but I just don’t see that style letting a child cry it out. When Micah doesn’t get his way or I tell him he shouldn’t be doing something, he’ll throw himself on the ground & scream. It doesn’t even last a minute usually because I’ve always chose to let him just “cry it out” because giving him hugs for acting out would just encourage him. He quickly remembers that the behavior isn’t getting him anywhere so he’ll let up on it & go about doing something other then what he was told not to do. Now while we’re at family’s houses he’ll go for longer crying periods because he KNOWS that someone will pick him up & indulge in his bad behavior. How to fix that? Well I’m not sure because he’ll go longer times crying because he knows that someone will no doubt give into him.

I try to read Micah’s signs, when he starts acting fussy & crazy it’s usually a food or nap time thing. I’m always telling JP there is usually a reason for when Micah acts out for “no reason”. I’m sure Micah doesn’t like making a fuss but I’m betting it’s frustrating being a baby & not being able to fully communicate what you want.

There are so many points of parenting & I see how I could easily fall into attachment parenting. But would I be right in labeling that as my parenting style? I just feel like I’m drawing myself in a box by doing that but so many of the parenting choices are right on track with what I do, I mean when I became a mom I didn’t even worry about a parenting style. All I worried about was giving & doing my best as a mom. I don’t care what others think I might be doing wrong, don’t judge me if you don’t want me judging you. So why am I even wondering if I fall into a parenting style? I guess it’s human nature to have some sort of label in your life.

4 Responses to Parenting style?

  1. Tweets that mention Parenting style? | Design85 --

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  2. Caitlin

    I agree completely. I definitely find myself doing things that adhere to Attachment Parenting, however I also let my children “cry it out” at times. Both my kids are great at throwing fits, and I agree that giving in only encourages the behaviors.

    I try not to be worried about what kind of style parent that I am. Doing the best for your children is all you can do – and it’s different for everyone :)
    .-= Caitlin´s last blog ..On copyright, stalkers, needing opinions, and figuring out how or when I became a “fauxtographer”. =-.

  3. Mary

    I really dont care about my parenting style as long as I am sure that my baby gets the best of me. I even break my promises to myself that I’ve made when I was pregnant… For example I always said I will not let her get used to rocking to sleep. And I did it for five months… just because I felt she needed it.
    .-= Mary´s last blog ..About the name =-.

  4. admin

    I don’t really care but when someone asks I’m like “uhhhm…I’m a me kinda parenting?” Hahah there’s no way I would be able to put one title on myself, I do what I think is right for Micah…so let’s see my parenting style? “Doing whatever I think is right for my son” kinda parenting :P

    Caitlin – Yes sometimes kids just need to cry it out & collect themselves, just like adults :p

    Mary – I totally know where you are coming from. I said I would NEVER co-sleep but Micah just seemed to need the comfort. He seems like he’s growing out of it, pushing away in bed. So we’ll be taking cues & he’ll be sleeping in his own bed soon.