Our Weekend…

Posted by admin on April 27th, 2010 . Filed under: Pictures .

Talent. They have it. Don't fall...

This past weekend was a went by in a blink of an eye. Saturday the majority of our day was spent at the circus & relaxing together as a family. Micah’s interest wasn’t held very well at the circus, he was more entertained by my chubby owl necklace then anything else. We saw pretty awesome tricks that my scaredy cat butt would have a panic attack by just thinking about attempting them. Ooookey I probably would try any of these stunts (with proper help) if I had a chance.. I’d just pee my pants while doing them.

I can't even do a handstand... Too sleepy for kisses

Even though the circus was fun with it’s junky food (cotton candy!!), pony ride (Micah loved it, I felt bad for the ponies) & fun show, I think Micah enjoyed going to the park after church on Sunday morning even more. He just LOVES being free to run around, jump, roll and play outside. Ever since he figured out how those chubby legs work he’s been on the move. Well not so chubby since he started walking. Sunday morning had such beautiful weather we spent over a hour just relaxing at the park. It’s so nice to get to spend time with my the top 2 guys in my life!

Stolen Smile Sweet Boy Sneaky man

I’m trying hard to not take life, people & the little things for granted. Not being able to hug my dad in almost three months is breaking my heart, today I couldn’t help but finally break down and cry. I know I’ll see him in a few months (hopefully) but it makes me appreciate JP, Micah & everyone else in my life so much more. What if they’re gone (for good) tomorrow? We just never know what the future holds, so we need to appreciate it today. I know it’s cliche but well it’s the truth.

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1 Response to Our Weekend…

  1. Jeanine

    Great pics! Sounds like you had a funfilled weekend! Where did you get that owl necklace? I LOVE IT!

    Micah is so adorable, and hes getting soo big! Hes such a great mix of you both!
    .-= JeanineĀ“s last blog ..Another attack! =-.