Crazy boy…

Posted by admin on March 22nd, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

Micah is finally getting his third and fourth tooth on bottom which means life has been hell since Thursday/Friday. That’s when I believe they broke through because he gave me such problems! I think the majority of the pain is finally gone seeing that he slept through the night last night & didn’t act a fool. I’m sorry but this kid spoiled me as a newborn, he wasn’t one to keep me up for night upon night without sleep. And after we stopped nursing he completely stopped waking up any night time snack. SPOILED. Yes my son spoiled me. I don’t know if I couldn’t have another kid, what’s the chances I’d get a kid as awesome as Micah again?

I mean my dad said I was the same way as Micah (a chilled kid) so they had another kid…out came my brother, Tony. OH EM GEE. That right there should scare me, he is well…let’s just say he’s a handful. Even to this day at the age of 22, he’s a big ole’ pain in the butt. Tony is the reason my dad decided to get…”fixed” as he likes to call it. So another child scares the poop out of me. It seems like a lot of families have the good child followed by hell on wheels child…. what is with that?

Since it is late & my brain feels fried from allergies I’ll just leave you with all that to wonder just how nutty I might be.

Big eyes...

Teddy + Micah


8 Responses to Crazy boy…

  1. Sarah Mommy Elephant

    Max is the same way with me. And I worry that the second kid will be a nightmare. I’ve had it real good too. Yay for good lil boys!
    .-= Sarah Mommy Elephant´s last blog ..Manic Monday =-.

  2. admin

    YAY indeed! *high5* for both of us and our awesome boys!

  3. elaineganmaclaine

    stumbled upon your blog, like your upclose photo posts :)

    .-= elaineganmaclaine´s last blog ..Dubai #119: EatOuts (Asian) =-.

  4. Mary

    well I wake up 2 or 3 times at night with Lilly, so I hope that next child will be better:)

  5. Vernetta Ernstrom

    I wanted to thank you for this excellent read!! I definitely enjoyed every little bit of it. I have you bookmarked your site to check out the new stuff you post.

  6. Jennifer

    HAHA your brother is the reason your father got fixed. That is hilarious! I hope Micah’s pain is over! He is such a freakin’ cutie. You really did a great job with that one! :)

  7. Teresa

    My first son was a perfect baby and my second was a nightmare until he started school at 4yrs old. Now (at 11yrs) he is the most sweetest kid I know. Ivy is a good baby too.
    .-= Teresa´s last blog ..I can’t WAIT to buy this for Ivy.  It’s so cute! … =-.

  8. Evelyn

    You are one very lucky woman my son is 20-months and he just now started sleeping through the night. Have you tried Baby Orajel Nighttime Formula both my son and daughter did well with it maybe it will help you out a little. =)
    .-= Evelyn´s last blog ..Getting an early start on Mother’s Day. =-.