
Posted by admin on March 2nd, 2010 . Filed under: Daily .

I’ve been trying to keep up with getting in 20 to 30 minutes of yoga a day. I might fail today, I’m beyond tired and just want to go to bed. What gets you to exercise when you really just rather be lazy? I mean the love handles should be enough to motivate me…right? I’m tired.

3 Responses to Yoga.

  1. Jeanine

    Did I write this post? lol I try so hard to do yoga and as soon as the nice weather comes I want to go out walking every night for at least 45 minutes!!! I’m just so tired. all. the. time!
    .-= Jeanine´s last blog ..SWEETS and 16 & Pregnant! =-.

  2. Lynn

    You can find some great 5 to 10 minute yoga routines online. I find that when I just can’t be bothered, it’s usually easier to convince myself to get up and do at least a few stretches than to do a full routine. Plus, once I get started, I often end up doing more anyway. Just aim low. ;)
    .-= Lynn´s last blog ..Needing a Kick in the Ass =-.

  3. admin

    LOL Yeah I have a DVD that has 5 workouts that are 10 minutes each so I am TRYING to atleast do one but end up doing 2 or 3. Aiming low, it’s the best! ;)

    I’m so with you Jeanine, SO TIRED!