Living country.

Posted by admin on November 11th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

I’m so use to being close in the city that there are things I’d never thought would change in my living conditions. For example, well water. Yes we have well water, we are enough out to have well water (nobody has city water around us). Another thing, paid trash service. You have to pay to get trash service, everyone around here seems to just burn it instead. Oh and another thing…street lights. Not many of them around here, the night’s are dark except by being illuminated by the moon. And believe me that is a beautiful sight to see, there is very little light pollution out here & that is one thing I am in love with.

One thing I’m loathing? Dial up. Yes my friends (we are friends right?) the only thing offered here is dial up. I’m currently hitting up the closest Kroger for their free wi-fi. But soon I will have dial up & then next time I have cable/dsl/fast internet I will not take it for granted, I didn’t even know there were places that can’t get anything but dial up anymore. I feel like I moved into 1998.

6 Responses to Living country.

  1. Jessica

    Welcome to my world. Many of the “cities” around me offer nothing but dial-up. We are fortunate enough to have cable internet through Charter, but even then the internet is not that great. I hope you and your family enjoy living in the country though– it’s much more peaceful than city life. :)
    .-= Jessica´s last blog ..We thrive on organization. =-.

  2. Ashley

    Have you looked in to high speed internet via satellite? My parents live too far out for popular high speed internet services (the two most popular here being Time Warner Cable and Windstream), but found a company that offers internet service through a satellite they have in their back yard. (Kind of like DishNetwork or DirectTV, but for internet… if that makes sense!)

    By the way, love your blog… I just stumbled upon it and will definitely be back!
    .-= Ashley´s last blog ..This and that. =-.

  3. Claudia

    I actually miss the well water from when I lived on a farm (which I realize is completely bizarre, but I do!). there’s lots of things I miss. You’ll probably really end up enjoying it. Plus you find all sorts of other, far more interesting things to do with your time when you live out of city limits. Micah will probably LOVE it there when he gets older. Lots more mud to play in ;)

  4. Teresa

    We live in a tiny village, of about 25 houses, in the middle of nowhere (closest shop is about 5 miles away but we have a pub 30 seconds away ;o) ) but we still get broadband. I think I’d die without it. Dramatic but true, lol. Moving out here was the best thing we have done as the kids love the freedom of being able to play outside ’til gone 9pm in the summer. I feel SO safe here. We go out all day and leave the door open.
    .-= Teresa´s last blog ..All About Ivy! =-.

  5. Charlie

    Have you looked at Verizon Moble Broadband access? You can get a USB Broadband modem for your laptop or with the Verizon MiFi you can have multiple computers sharing the connection. So if there is a relatively close neighbor you might be able to split the cost with them. :)

  6. admin

    I ended up with cricket’s broadband :)