Chew that shoe…

Posted by admin on October 12th, 2009 . Filed under: Being Mom, Pictures .

I’m parked, waiting on a friend, flicking through a CD for a song I’d like to hear…then I hear a weird squeaking sound. I mute my music. It’s behind me. What the…

chewing on his shoe

I call to Micah & he looks up at me with his shoe still in his mouth.

oh nom! shoes!

“Micah stop chewing on that shoe like your mama doesn’t feed you!”

pretty boy!

And then as I was driving to my dad’s… I heard the squeaking again. I guess he just isn’t used to wearing shoes, because he hardly EVER wears shoes. Oh well atleast he isn’t walking so these shoes are alright for chewing on…for now…. I don’t need him to keep it up & mess up those beautiful teeth of his…then need a trip to a Plano dentist

8 Responses to Chew that shoe…

  1. Sarah

    LOL! Aww!!! He’s sooooo cute!
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize =-.

  2. Heather

    He’s so gorgeous!

  3. Vicky

    He is such a darling boy.
    How blonde his hair is!
    He is growing up so fast.

    Love and Light x x

  4. kathy

    LOL he’s adorable =) can i hold him?

  5. Cassie

    That is just so adorable! Speaking of adorable – look at those shoes! Do they have them in my size? I love brown shoes!
    .-= Cassie´s last blog ..Twitter! Oh no! =-.

  6. Rin

    What a cutie!! Haha kids do the cutest things!
    .-= Rin´s last blog ..Oops I Did a Haul… =-.

  7. Nicole

    He is adorable! His hair is just too cute.
    .-= Nicole´s last blog ..Love me some Gregory House =-.

  8. Jeanine

    Oh my goodness! He is soo freakin’ cute… I love that he still had the shoe in mouth when looking up at you calling him! :P too funny.