Friggin Emotional Mess!

Posted by admin on September 25th, 2009 . Filed under: Being Mom .

Since I’ve had Micah I’ve been an emotional mess (even more then when I was pregnant)! I cry at the silliest things. So many love songs have tears streaming down my face because I think about how lucky and happy I am in my life. I cry over characters on TV, if they do something good, tears of joy. If they get their heartbroken, tears of their heartbreak. It’s insane. I’m moving soon and that has me in tears, atleast I don’t have to look for any moving companies Los Angeles. I’m glad my city is easy, LA seems harder & too fast of a lifestyle for me. Alright I have to get dressed & cuddle with my baby before he wakes up. I’m even getting emotional writing this because I know I can’t be the only nut out their and I’ll be so happy to meet other mama nuts.

2 Responses to Friggin Emotional Mess!

  1. jenny

    Im a mess too. My hubby tells me all the time that I cry over silly things. I don’t remember being this emotional when I was pregnant, but I sure am now. (My daughters are 4 and 6, btw). Its not just u, I think its a mommy thing. Have a great day doll!

  2. Vicky

    I’m the same, ’tis a mum thing.
    It never goes away.
    I can become a silly tearful wench at the least things.
    I annoy myself at times.
    Emotional mess comes with being a woman/mum its all part of our genetic makeup, we are programmed to care and nuture…. and behave in a over-emotional manner at the drop of a hat :-p
    What silly creatures we are!!!
    Love n Light x x