10 things.

Posted by admin on June 24th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

“The HonestScrap award comes with a caveat or two. Firstly, you have to tell your readers ten things about you they may not know, but that are true. Secondly, you have to tag 10 people with the award.”

Sooo Caitlin tagged me with the Honest Scrap award & I have done a meme in soooo long so I figured I’d go for it!
And I’m tagging the following people..so make me proud!
Erica, Sarah, Christine, Nancy & Leanne

1. I truely have no idea the color of my eyes. Some say they are green & some say blue, even the hubby flips his mind on what color they are.

2. No matter how big my purse is I’ll fill it up with stuff, if I have the room I’ll just keep stuffing it.

3. My dad had custody of me & my brother for 4-ish years once him & my mom divorced, we moved every year to a new place.

4. I went to 5 different elementary schools before moving in with my mom and staying at that one, my dad likes moving around.

5. I’m very unhappy with my legs since having Micah because my stupid stretch marks.

6. I’m the eldest of my mom’s four kids.

7. My toes are so long they look like midget fingers.

8. I still don’t have a driver’s license (going for one soon, but I hate being judged so I get nervous).

9. In life I think love & family is most important. I just want enough money to provide a comfortable life for my family.

10. I love being a stay at home (& work from home) mom because I never imagined sending my baby to daycare. I’m very blessed to have a job so flexible with hours so I can tend to my small families needs, because my family comes first.

Sorry nothing juicy, I’m just not that interesting…and have mommy brain. Can only think of baby right now. Watching him jump up & down in his jumparoo.

2 Responses to 10 things.

  1. Stephanie

    Do you have any advice for me? I want to work from home. How did you get started?

  2. admin

    I really wish I had advice but I fell into it & believe me if it was possible for everyone to do it I’d be giving away all the secrets. I do graphics work for a friend. Sorry i can’t be of any help :(