Constant movement

Posted by admin on June 18th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

My days have been going by faster then I can keep track of, it’s almost sickening. I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I’m working on a real blog post but right now my brain is fried after doing 5 loads of laundry today. I’m sick of looking at clothes, folding clothes and well…clothes. Has anyone bought wholesale laptops before & gotten a good deal on a good computer? Okey I’m beat, I have a bit of work to do and then off to my nice snugly bed!

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2 Responses to Constant movement

  1. Heather

    Having kids seems to somehow make time either drag it’s feet or fly by doesn’t it? I’m either sad because time is going to fast…or wishing time would speed up, especially when my kids are in certain stages (like tantrum throwing, teething etc.)

    As far as laundry…I hate, hate, hate folding it with a PASSION. In fact, I’m embarrassed to admit it but I don’t fold the laundry anymore. I make my hubby do it. lol

  2. Sarah

    I soooo feel you! At the end of the day after I put the girls to bed I sit down and I’m like wtf just happened? Where did the day go? I hate how fast the days (weeks!) go by now that I have kids.

    I absolutely hate folding laundry too. I don’t mind washing it but folding, oh I hate it! Most of the time I pile it up on my foot stool thingys at the end of the bed intending to fold it and then never get to it, before I know it the pile has been worn and I have to rewash! LOL :)