Oh man Craigslist…

Posted by admin on April 7th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

So yesterday I posted tons of stuff on craigslist so I could clear the house for when we move. Sofas, dining set, bikes and much more. So far almost everything has gotten tons of replies except for my record player…which I think will just go to the garage sale. But I had a couple come over to look at the dining room set (which is listed at $250) and they offered me $100, I counter offered with $150. They came back a few minutes with $150 cash and I helped them to take the table apart then they thanked me for my time and told me they wish they could have bought the chairs too but they won’t fit. WAIT?! I thought I was selling the whole set for $150 not just the table. So now I have 6 dining chairs just sitting in my dining room… so I did better then I thought because I put that I would sell the table for $150 alone. Sooo I didn’t go down on the price at all! Oh my I am just sitting here giggling because I feel like such a ditz!

By the way craigslist will suck all the energy out of you, your email will be filled to the brim with people asking questions, trying to scam you & never showing up on time to pick-up. But you will more then likely make a quick buck! Okey now I need to go clean up and pile up all the disposable diapers that I got on sale…there are bags and bags of them that are just sadly in the corner.

2 Responses to Oh man Craigslist…

  1. Ceila

    Aw that is great,when will u be posting the rest of ur birth story?ive been waiting u left us in suspense last time hahaha!

  2. Jeanine

    I’ve never sold anything on craigslist… or anywhere else for that matter. but what a great idea.. thats awesome you didn’t go down on your price i was thinking “wow she wanted $250 for the set but they only gave her $150″ so thats good

    I could use some new chairs so it really sucks you live so far away lol!!

    and I agree with Ceila – BIRTH STORY!!!! :)