And the weekend starts…

Posted by admin on March 28th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

I’ve started making Saturday morning clean up time in the house, it’s something my mom used to do when I lived with her. Every Saturday morning before going anywhere or getting to watch any TV we would clean the house top to bottom. When it becomes a weekly thing the house just stays cleaner then you doing it daily, I don’t know why it works but it does. So JP will have the bathroom while I do the living & dining room, then while I do the kitchen I’ll have him dress Micah & get the clothes ready to go wash. JP is a little cleaning challenged but I’ve slowly got him to learn how to clean things. Today I think I am going to show him how to do the tub and the shower faucets. Last time he cleaned the bathroom he didn’t clean the shower so I ended up doing it myself instead of explaining what needed to be done. It’s usually just easier to do it yourself when you are as perticular as me. That’s why I usually do the cleaning because JP knows I’ll usually go behind him and re-do whatever he does. Like folding towels…why oh WHY can’t he just fold towels the way I like them? I sometimes thinks he’ll do chores wrong just to get out of them…anyone else suspect that of their husband? But there are two chores that are HIS. Taking out the trash and cleaning the litter box. Thank goodness & amen!


Oh man and this new Pledge Multi Surface is a dream. When I got home yesterday with it I decided I would try it out on a few different surfaces…freaking wonderful! It made every surface sparkle and look so clean!  Note the bathroom isn’t cleaned yet. :P Everyone have a super day!

4 Responses to And the weekend starts…

  1. Shellie

    Ha, be lucky your husband helps out. Mine doesn’t have any chores as far as cleaning. But atleast he does pick up his clothes and whatnot, way better than he used to be. Oooh I LOVE pledge multi-surface! I also clean once a week on Saturdays :] I do a little laundry too and the rest Sunday. Have a great weekend

  2. admin

    LOL Him cleaning is a new thing but with the baby I need a little more help around the house, true I still do 90% of the cleaning but that 10% is more help then he ever knows LOL

  3. Heather

    Ahh yes, the old confused and baffled husband. Mine can apparently take large engines apart, put them back together and study wiring diagrams that make absolutely no sense to me…but try and explain to him that there’s a certain reason the dishwasher gets loaded a certain way and he just stares and blinks. lol
    I really want to try that Pledge multi-surface!

  4. Jeanine

    I love cleaning. I’m a huge clean freak. I must try this new pledge!