Simplify Your Life

Posted by admin on March 26th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

So me & JP have been talking about simplifying our lives. Right now we have a huge apartment filled with things we don’t even need or even use. It’s sad just how much “stuff” we have, yes it’s all just stuff. I have cabinets I haven’t even touched since we’ve moved in but they are full of “stuff”. And you know what I’m tired of it, I want to simplify, down-size, what ever you want to call it. I want LESS.

We are moving out of our 1600 sq ft apartment on the weekend of April 18th into a 700 sq ft apartment. Yeah, holy down sizing batman!  Less then half of our current apartment size. But you know we have a extra sofa sets & an over sized dining room table (seats 6 without the leaf in the middle) that never get used. Half of the kitchen, Micah’s room & the dining room don’t even get used. The living room is so big & spaced out that it doesn’t even feel cozy. This weekend I’ll be taking pictures of some of our larger items that we will be selling and try my hand at craigslist to see what I can sell. And then the first weekend of April I’m having a garage sale to get rid of everything we don’t need or use that wouldn’t be worth my time posting on craigslist. Whatever doesn’t sell at the garage sale will then go to goodwill. Hopefully we can make enough money to buy ourselves a new TV (the one I’m eying is a little less then $400) since ours blew out and it would cost less to buy a new TV then to repair our current one.

Writing this  has for some reason taken a huge weight off my shoulders. *deep breath out* I love how writing can just help you collect your thoughts and help clear out the mind.

5 Responses to Simplify Your Life

  1. S.

    Good for you! My husband and I are working on doing the exact same thing. Unfortunately we have the hassle of trying to sell our house first, so with the crap market, that will take time. But I cannot wait to downsize. I’ve already cleared out a lot of big items on Craigslist – that place is hit or miss. I feel MUCH BETTER once I declutter, it’s like a weight lifted. And I’m having a yard sale the first weekend of April too. Good luck with yours! You’re son is adorable. (Btw, long time lurker!)

  2. Steph

    Good for you.

    Downsizing feels great. I love purging stuff. Unfortunately, I still have way too much that’s being stored in the basement. I’d love to just pack it all up and plop it on Goodwill’s doorstep. (Garage sales don’t work on our street – we live on a dead-end street that no one even knows exists.. heh).

    And – with a baby – you get MORE STUFF. My finished room in the basement is full of stuff Heidi has outgrown (exercauser, high-chair, basinet, play-pen, stroller ETC) but I can’t get rid of any of that ~ for a future baby.

    Good luck with 700 sq. ft. My house is 800 sq. ft. and boy do I feel like I’ve totally outgrown it!

  3. Jeanine

    Sounds like a great plan to me!! The stuff is never ending at my house too… It drives me nuts.

    We live in a 1200 sq. ft 3 story house and I swear I need about 3000 sq ft more lol!!!!!

    I hope you have good luck selling your stuff…. that would be a huge relief to you I’m sure!

  4. Claudia

    I LOVE getting rid of things, and not even to get new things…I like the cleansing feeling you get.

    Good luck with your move!!!

  5. Betsy Talbot

    Good for you! We started downsizing about 3 years ago and have never looked back. You don\’t realize how much that stuff is weighing you down and preventing you from living the kind of life you want until it is gone.

    FYI on Craiglist: I\’ve used it in several cities, and it seems like it works better some places than others (in Seattle it is great). We have gotten rid of some pretty surprising things via Craigslist (box of cords, anyone?), so you might be surprised.

    Best of luck in your simplification efforts. You won\’t regret it!