My Baby Story – Part 2
Posted by admin on February 25th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .Read Part 1 of My baby Story Here
My mom showed up shortly with some comfy socks with cupcakes on them for me! We were just enjoying each other and talking through the contractions. Soon after my mom arrived they put me on pitocin to speed up my labor since I had been going through contractions the full weekend before. Every time my nurse played with the little machine for it to give me more pitocin through my IV, the contractions got stronger & quicker. My dad and grandma showed up soon & my dad just didn’t like seeing me in pain. It broke his heart to see me in pain & broke mine to know I was breaking his. My doctor came in saying he would break my water for me since it still hadn’t broke on its own, he went to make sure it hadn’t broke. Well wouldn’t you know it, it broke all over his hand!
So glad he didn’t have to stick that crochet looking thing up me to break it! :sweatdrop:
And the contractions started going nuts very quickly, they hurt but I was breathing through them. Huffing, puffing and rotating squeezing my mom’s, JP’s & my dad’s hands. Every few minutes they got worse, longer & stronger. Breath. Just breath. I got a big cup of ice to crunch on but it started melting so quickly in my mouth I was choking on the water so I had to throw that to the side & just get a wet towel for my head. My mom & dad were at my side as the F*bomb escaped from me very loudly. My parents just looked at each other and couldn’t believe their ears & asked each other if I had actually said that. My dad & JP were next to my side holding my hands as I whined & yelped out a few times. My dad told me “Just relax baby girl, just relax” & I snapped at him “How about you relax?!”. Which quickly got laughs from both him & JP. And then I couldn’t take it, it hurt too much. I called my nurse around 3PM and told her I needed an epidural ASAP. My contractions were coming so quick that there was almost no time in between them. Everyone was shooed out of the birthing room, I sat up on the bed. My nurse had me hugging her so I could arch my back for the epidural. I was having contractions so quickly it was hard to find time before two contractions to give me much needed painkillers. Finally I had two contractions that had enough time in between so he could give me a big needle in the back.
Everyone came back in the room & soon enough I couldn’t feel the horrible contractions anymore. My nurse came in soon to check how I was doing and check on the baby. She went ahead to see how far down Micah was and said “Wow this baby has a full head of hair”. Everyone just laughed because both JP & I were bald babies! And then the thing I had been waiting for “Can you push for me? Let’s get a few good pushes out of you.”. JP grabbed leg & my mom the other leg both staring at me with fear in their eyes. 1, 2, 3 *take a deep breath* PUUUUUUUUSHHH…..KEEP PUSHING!! *exhale* and repeated 3 or so more times to push little man right to the edge! JP looked down, he swore he would just look at me. I knew he wouldn’t be able to do it, curiosity got the best of him.
The doctor was called in and it was baby time! My mom & JP were holding my legs back the doctor had a nice view of something that only my husband would get a view of on any other day. And I had a nurse on each side of him. I looked around thinking “It’s happening, it’s really happening”.
February 25th, 2009 at 1:51 pm
Oh I’ve been waiting for this!!
LOL at you snapping at your dad – brings back memories for me! I cant wait to do it all over again
LOL @ JP looking my hubby did too everytime… The last baby I had my mother in law walked into the room half way through pushing so she came and held my leg… I was so mad, but in the moment you dont care – its after your like “Uh goodness” lol…she was only at that one but no one but hubby is allowed in to any other births!
Cant wait to hear the rest!
February 25th, 2009 at 2:05 pm
lol I ADORE that second pic
did jp have to have reconstructive surgery on that thumb? lol
February 25th, 2009 at 2:45 pm
Wow. I don’t think I could’ve read that entry any faster.
I think I just really do, genuinely enjoy hearing about your life (as creepy as that may sound, I’m sorry! lol)
February 25th, 2009 at 3:09 pm
ugh don’t wait so long between this part and the next part! you’re a great story teller
you are making me excited for my little munchkin’s birthday (and terrified at the same time LOL)!
February 25th, 2009 at 10:38 pm
Ooh I love that you are blogging about this. I’m glad you ended up going through with the shot. All my friends got them and were so thankful. Was the actual shot itself pretty bad, or was it nothing compared to what you were going through then?
February 26th, 2009 at 12:37 pm
I have been looking forward to the continuation of Part One since you posted it… Probably because I’m getting closer and closer to my due date, and want some reassurance that child birth isn’t quite as bad as I have it made out to be in my head. (I hope…)
February 26th, 2009 at 7:36 pm
I love birth stories! I actually haven’t really written mine in depth…I really should get on that, as I’m already forgetting so much!
March 1st, 2009 at 6:30 pm
Wow, I have 5 more weeks before it is my turn to experience bringing a new life into the world. I am extremely nervous. I am at the point right now that I am not even sure if I will be able to tell when I am having contractions. Then again I am really nervous about what to do when the baby comes and not having the money to take care of her. What is it like day in and day out?
March 3rd, 2009 at 11:10 am
Jennifer – What a wonderful idea for a post! I’ll be writing about the day in my life with baby!
I’ll be writing part 3 later, sorry to keep everyone on edge