So. Very. Tired.

Posted by admin on February 17th, 2009 . Filed under: Random .

Today was spent grocery shopping & running errands with Micah. Oh man after hitting up Wal-mart, Randalls & Kroger I am tired…so tired. I got some pretty good deals on food, my hubby will be happy for another week or two with all the goodies I bought. I didn’t realize just how tired I was until I took a hot shower & then sat down to blog…I feel like my eyelids are just going to fall off. But that would be really gross looking & I’m not sure how JP would enjoy a wife without eyelids. You know when you get really tired and just random things go through your head? I’m like that, like I can’t stop thinking about how my U key on my keyboard is sticking & I have to push it really hard. The letter U is used a lot more then you would think. So it is quite annoying, but I pushed it really hard and tried cleaning underneath and it is now a tad bit better. And why would anyone blog about vaginal dryness?? Okey I better step away from the blog before I come up with really weird thoughts and everyone looks at me like I have 2 heads. G’night all my wonderful visitors! :)

2 Responses to So. Very. Tired.

  1. Lindsay

    “Sex is wonderful again! I love how natural it feels.” LOL!!!

    You are awesome. I am almost at that too-tired-to-function stage too today. You will have a great sleep!!

  2. tracey

    omg lady, i hope you got some sleep. starting to sound a little ‘do do do doo’ LOL