Stupid sleep…

Posted by admin on January 8th, 2009 . Filed under: Daily .

Tonight I was telling JP how wonderfully I slept the past two nights & I hope that it keeps up. Well wouldn’t you know it… I can’t sleep tonight. I’m up playing games on iminlikewithyou with Max cuddled up to me but wishing so badly that I could fall asleep in my nice big cuddly bed next to my equally cuddly hubby.

Monkey Man! (005/365)

JP put the first monkey up in the nursery on Sunday we still have quite a few left to put up but we just couldn’t decide where so we’ll try again this weekend. :) We bought tons of goodies this weekend including a really pretty boppy (there were soooo many that looked like they were from the 90s, it sickened me!) & JP bought a bunch of Might Muggs (the chubby action figures). :) Anyways just wanted to show the goodies we got over the weekend… I’m going to try to go to bed soon. Contest winner will be announced & emailed tomorrow! :D

JP's Weekend Haul Crib

3 Responses to Stupid sleep…

  1. Ashley

    I LOVE the monkey decal! We are going with a monkey/jungle theme for our nursery, but have yet to actually do anything. I’m afraid to, since we don’t know the baby’s gender yet :( But I love, love, love the brown and blue color scheme!

  2. Lindsay

    You are getting so close to having the baby!!! How exciting. I bet you are getting nervous! I know I would be.

  3. Courtney

    Aww, the monkey decal is adorable! :) I bet you’re getting preetty excited now that you only have a few weeks till you’re due! ;)