Baking is a wonderful thing!

Posted by admin on November 29th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

Now that the weather is cooling down here in Houston, I am able to bake in my kitchen without my kitchen turning into a sweat box. And lately I have been on a baking frenzy, most of the stuff (excluding Thanksgiving) hasn’t been from scratch because I’m missing a couple of ingredients whenever I feel like baking something. But boxed stuff is just fine when you want some quick cookies or brownies. :q Mmmm I have a biiig plate of brownies on the counter just calling my name, but I’m all out of milk!

Apple Crisp

Blueberry Muffins!

Anyone need an a/c compressor? Probably not unless you are down south… I ran my a/c last night…it’s almost December and I am still wearing tank tops. *sigh* :confused: Alrighty I have to go run some errands & then hopefully I can return home with milk to down more brownies then I would be proud to admit. Let’s blame it on being 31 weeks pregnant? Yeah, sure that sounds great!  :angel:

5 Responses to Baking is a wonderful thing!

  1. Leanne

    Mmm Yummy! Send some over this way :D

  2. Ashley

    mmm i could so go for some of that apple crisp with vanilla ice cream!

  3. codi

    Hey Pam, I was about to sign up for the Grocery Game, but realized that I should put you as a referral when I sign up. Can you please email me the address you use so I can put you as a referral? Thanks! PS-I’m really close in my pregnancy to you, right now I’m due March 1st and it’s a boy! :)

  4. Erika

    YUM! You should do a recipes page! I love collecting yummy recipes! :)

  5. Tashina

    Whatever is in that first picture looks really good. I’m totally craving baked goods now!