Holy Cow!

Posted by admin on November 25th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

So I’m 30 weeks and some days pregnant. All I can say is HOLY COW! Being pregnant is one of the most mind blowing things I’ve ever done so far, I mean c’mon I’m making a baby from scratch! Sure I can bake cakes, cookies, cupcakes & almost anything else you name from scratch but a HUMAN?!? The body is an amazing thing. I have a doctor’s appointment on Monday which I am fearful to see my weight after Thanksgiving…because I plan to pig out (like I do every year). :angel: And for your amusement here is my hugeness in all it’s glory, oh and don’t mind my recycling bins behind me (it’s cool to recycle :cool:   plus I have yet to find a better place for them). :) Okey well I am off to clean up my bedroom, I’m trying to figure out what to do with the tv & tv stands that is in our room since we never watch tv in there. I just thing it’s bad to have TVs in the bedroom, it’s just not good feng shui. :p


9 Responses to Holy Cow!

  1. Jeanine

    you look great Pam!!! And again, I love that outfit… very cute maternity style.. I’m so boring with yoga sweats! :)

  2. tracey

    the awe of pregnancy doesn’t wear off the second time – i cannot believe there’s a little person inside me, floating around! how cool are we? :P and as i said at flickr, how super cute are you? you’re gorgeous!

  3. tifanny

    Wow, you are looking great! Ican’t believe how fast time is going by. I remember like yesterday when I checked your blog (like I do daily haha) and you announced your pregnancy!

  4. teresar

    Congrats on getting to 30 weeks. I have a 36 week scan today to see if her head is still up and to size her seeing as I’m 2 weeks bigger than I should be. They may have to try to turn her if her head isn’t down. I’m a bit nervous ‘cos I tend to have big babies and I’m not a particually big girl. My eldest was 8lb 10oz and youngest was 11lb 11ozs.

  5. Vicky

    You are having such a beautiful pregnancy. Blooming.
    The only weight you seem to have gained is the wonderful baby bump.
    Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy, it is a blessed magical time, and YES how mind blowing to create a new life inside of you. x x

  6. Bobbi

    You look awesome – I love the sweater vest :)

  7. kate

    It’s crazy. I had my son around 31 and a bit weeks. I wish I could have gone full term. After only realising I was pregnant 6 months in, I had to come to terms with my monkey pretty quick!
    You look great, by the way!

  8. Alissa

    You are adorable!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you, baby, and JP! :)

  9. Nancy

    Holy cow is right. These pregnancy blogs I follow online – I just can’t get over how fast your times is going. Between you and Ashley up here.

    WOW WEE!!