Last night was a bit scary…

Posted by admin on October 29th, 2008 . Filed under: Daily .

Yesterday started off normal, I went grocery shopping in the morning got home and seperated/marinated my chicken, cut up fruit for JP’s lunches, planning dinner and then my stomach started to feel a bit sore so I decided to just work for a bit and try to relax. After awhile of being in pain I thought maybe a nap would help…I woke up a hour later still in pain. JP got home and I told him I was feeling nauseous and my stomach really hurt, he asked if I still wanted to go carve pumpkins with my little brother and sister or just take it easy at home. Right before leaving for my mom’s I threw up whatever little food I had in my stomach.

We went to my mom’s because I had promised them I would carve pumpkins. I tried to keep it together while pulling out pumpkin guts, watching Charlie Brown’s Halloween & plotting what silly face my pumpkin should have. After drawing out my ever too simple pumpkin face I felt like it was throw up time again and yes it was indeed, not fun at all. After that I just sat carving pumpkins taking breaks to breath & trying not to think of the pain I was in. After we all carved our pumpkins we went outside to set them up and see how they’d look with lights in them, awesome! Well that’s when my stomach started to tighten up (contraction?!) and i bent over, grabbed my stomach and then before I knew it we were talking about taking me to the hospital.

I called my doctor told him what was happening, that my stomach was tightening about 4-5 times a hour & he told me to get to the hospital ASAP because it sounded like early labor. :( After blood tests and being poked too many times in too many different spots they had me hooked up to an IV to relive the pain & gave me medication for a bacteria they found in my urine. We were there for over 7 hours & I don’t know how many times I talked to the baby telling him he wasn’t allowed out yet, he had to stay in his room for quite a few more weeks. Luckily my contractions faded after hours of them and they told me I was good to go after all my medication was dispensed via IV. Last night was really scary and made me realize I have almost NOTHING ready for my little man. Okey I know I didn’t really go into too much details and this is a bit random but I’m still mentally & physically wiped out from last night.

13 Responses to Last night was a bit scary…

  1. Sofia

    Yikes! I’m glad you’re (and your little one, as well!) okay!
    He must have listened to your wise words :)

  2. Stephanie

    Glad you are okay!

  3. Erin

    Did they tell you anything other than you had the bacteria? Scary, Pam! I’m glad everything is (??) ok!

  4. Leanne

    Shit, Pamela! :(

    The main this is though,
    you and your baby are FINE. But, you should be ready for emergencies like this.. Well, I mean, get ready just incase something like this happens again!

    Hope you’re feeling better!

  5. Tara

    Ouch! You should rest!
    Even if it’s not time yet, try rest and not to get into stressful situations or be too “active”.
    Don’t worry too much about what’s going on with you and let your body do what it needs to do.

    Keep that baby in as long as you can! :)
    My boys were 2 months premature. It’s nothing new with twins, it often happens.
    The boys had to stay in the NICU for a full month as they were only 3lbs when they were born, but everything it was fine in the end. They are 2 healthy little 2 years old monsters now.

  6. tracey

    oh Pam :( i had a similiar scare at about 30 weeks and i was scared as heck. did they tell you to be on bed rest? did they take a swab test (tmi, lol. not the urine test.)? after my hospital stint, i had regular BH until birth – not very comfortable but he stayed in there for 10 more weeks at least.

  7. Renee

    I’m so sorry Pam! I can’t imagine how terrifying that must have been. I’m just happy you and baby are doing alright now. Most imprtant thing is you and that little dude right now. Hope it all goes healthy and happy from here on out.

  8. Ashley

    oh no! how scary! that reminds me of an episode i had at 28 weeks and had to go to the hospital. i ended up being taken off work early due to contractions and cramping/back pain. probably the best thing for me … tonight i’ve been having some really bad cramps and pelvic pain. isn’t pregnancy fun?!

    so glad you and your little man are okay! tell him he is GROUNDED for giving you such a scare! :P

  9. connie

    man, oh man! that sounds really scary. i’m glad you & your little man are doing fine!

  10. teresar

    Glad you’re ok. I’m having those practise contractions most days but nothing serious. Would like to keep her in for at least another 4 weeks.

  11. Vicky

    I am so sorry to hear of your scare. Glad to know you are both doing well.
    Listen to your body, rest whenever you feel you need to. Afterall you are making a new person, and your body is working so hard to keep you both healthy.
    Vicky x x

  12. Claudia

    I’m sorry you had such a scare, but I’m also EXTREMELY glad for you that the doctor was able to put a stop to everything!!

  13. Erica

    wow that seems scary, glad everything is ok and you and the baby ar doing fine.